Have you reached that stage in life where it makes sense to sell your family home and move into a condo?

Perhaps you want to wait a bit longer?

Based on a set of unique circumstances you might want to look at a move right now. Why?

1.  In metro Edmonton, single family homes are selling for 1% MORE than this time last year. And in the last 3 months of the year home sales values go UP.

2.  In metro Edmonton, condo sales values are 4% DOWN when compared to this time last year and there is a ton of choice.

So, there you have it. This is your opportunity!

Sell your family home for full market value.

Buy a condo and get a BIG DISCOUNT.

To view a selection of ALL condos available for downsizers click on this link: Condos for Downsizers

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link – Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR®

Want more information about our discount and flat fee home selling programs? Please feel free to call our broker owner Stuart Neal at: 780-760-2014 or visit our home sellers page www.FlatFeeRealtyAdvisors.ca

Posted by Vital Home Realty on


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