Another 5-star review from one of our clients. Its comments like this that make our hard work so worth it.

Google 5 Star *****Review

I would highly recommend Ambergate Realty and Stuart Neal to my friends, family and neighbours, or to those who are thinking about selling their home. I originally received a flyer in my mailbox and as a Seller I was intrigued by the Flat Fee Rate concept advertised.

When I first met Stuart, I instantly trusted he was passionate about real estate and enjoyed what he was doing, especially in the neighbourhood of Bellevue, Highlands and Virginia Park which he also calls home. During our first meeting he provided me with a list of stats, but quickly indicated the stats didn’t represent my specific property, and I…

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Most REALTORS® I speak to understand the importance of building a database of prospective, current and past clients. Few however consider how big that database needs to be.

As part of my rolling research project to track and measure the progress of newer industry members, I get to discuss the subject often.

Those REALTORS® who have in a previous life built a large Sphere of Influence (SOI) do not have concerns and they should not.

Those REALTORS® who have chosen to join a team that has created a marketing program intended to identify potential clients, particularly home buyers also have few concerns.

It’s those REALTORS® that are planning to go it alone and creating a database from scratch that worry me. When I ask most REALTORS® how many…

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Unless you really need to, I would not advocate that you sell your condo at this time. Unfortunately, we don’t see values improving anytime soon.

On the other hand, if you like the idea of condo life or if you are an investor this could be the time to buy. There is a large selection of condos for sale at bargain basement prices.

This is due to a chronic over supply relative to this time last year and because COVID 19 has made apartment style living and in the downtown core in particular less attractive.

We are betting however as we move through the final stages of this pandemic that condo living and investing in condos for reasons of convenience and affordability will turn the market around. Perhaps in 2 to 3 years time.

For now, however I…

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Will home prices rise or fall in the coming months? Without wanting to sound as if I’m giving you a politician’s answer, that really does depend.

Study the table above. As you can see, the market was severely under supplied in January. At the end of January 2020, there were 2839 homes for sale on the Edmonton MLS® System. This year there was only 2093, a deficit of around 26%.

There has been a deficit of supply all year, although the deficit has been reducing as the year has progressed. At the end of September 2021, this year’s supply matched last year’s supply and exceeded it by 5 units.

So, what happens next?

At this time of the year, unmotivated home sellers take their listings off the market and I expect supply will decline. At…

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Humans are such interesting creatures because we are all a little bit different. But we are also somewhat the same. The real estate training group based in Fort Collins Colorado, Ninja Selling has identified 4 distinct group types.

By learning how to identify each group (and yourself) you can tailor your counselling style to suit your client.

Power People (about 15 to 20% of the general population)

Very focused on the future. Can you get them there quickly and with little fuss or will you get in their way?

Power people have clear goals and a sense of urgency. Demonstrate how you can get them there and you will be well on your way to pleasing your client.

They are typically very focused and task oriented.

They will make quick…

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September was a surprise much like August this year. It started off slowly, but by month end, sales volume rose nicely and whilst it did not exceed last year’s numbers, sales volume for September easily surpassed market results for September 2019. Sales prices have moderated from the peak of spring and summer, but they remain well above values for the last 2 years.

Sales Prices

In September 2021, average sales prices were $388,103 which is about 3% UP when compared to September 2020. In August 2021, prices were lower at around $383,000. During the last 3 to 4 months of the year we often see sales prices rally and September is certainly evidence of that. 

Sales Volume

Last September there were 1229 total Edmonton sales registered.…

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