3 Ways to Avoid Confusion & Overwhelm When Buying a Home in 2024
Posted by Vital Home Realty on
3 Ways to Avoid Confusion & Overwhelm When Buying a Home in 2024
When looking for a home its easy to get excited and overwhelmed. Follow these steps for best results:
1. Prioritize and Maintain a Rolling Top 3: - Limit your top choices to three homes at a time. - After seeing four homes, eliminate one with your agent's help. - Rank your top three choices, designating one as your first pick to stay focused.
2. Embrace Imperfection: - Understand there's no perfect home. - Rate each home on a scale of 1 to 100. - Consider any home scoring 85 or higher as a strong contender.
3. Recognize Cream Puff Homes: - Be aware of exceptionally appealing homes. - Act quickly if you find a Cream Puff home that scores above 85 on your scale. - Don't wait…
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