Thinking of selling your home, but want to wait until Spring? We urge you to think again…

1. Demand is Constant

You might be thinking that nobody wants to a buy a home during the cold winter months here in metro Edmonton. If you think this, you would be mistaken. For example, based on the sales stats for the winter of 2018 and 2019 more than 2000 homes will sell across metro Edmonton between December 1st through to the end of February.

You must never forget that ‘life’ happens to real estate. People marry, divorce, have children or simply get jobs in other places. There is ALWAYS people wanting to purchase a good quality home. Is your home market ready? Go to our blog and learn about the 8 Keys of Home Selling Success to find out.

2. You Have Less Competition

Most home sellers fall into the trap of waiting until Spring. This means that in your community, you may have all the buyers to yourself.

Wait until April and there will be dozens of For Sale signs popping up around you. If your circumstances allow you to put up your home for sale in the winter, we suggest you give it serious consideration.

3. You Have More Certainty

With the help of your advisor you can make good decisions based on recent sales stats. The market can change quite quickly based on economic conditions, or even world events like elections in other countries, fluctuations in oil prices.

Sometimes market values go up and sometimes they go down. At the time of writing (December 2019) we have seen sales price drop for perhaps the last 5 years in most communities. Are we at the bottom of the market? We just don’t know.

The pipeline to the west coast may help things along but the provincial government is also cutting thousand of jobs. One think may cancel the other out completely. 

Wait and it could cost you! You should also consider that the best reason to sell and move is because your life may be enhanced by it. Perhaps you need less space. Perhaps you need more space. Perhaps you need to move to another area. Perhaps you need to reduce debt.

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link – Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR®.

Want more information about our full service FLAT FEE home selling programs? Please feel free to call our broker owner Stuart Neal at: 780-760-2014 or visit our home sellers page

This blog was first written in December 2017. It was edited, improved and published again December 5th, 2019.

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