You have been in your single family home for many years. You raised your kids here. You have so many happy memories here. So why move? I’ve suggested 4 reasons why downsizing might make sense for you. If none of these apply, then you should stay where you are and enjoy your home.
1. Too Much Work?
Many owners of single family homes in particular have suggested to me that as they have grown older, the idea of climbing ladders to clear gutters, paint walls, gardening and general maintenance loses its appeal and perhaps becomes more dangerous.
2. Too Much Space?
Empty nesters in particular express to me that they feel they are ‘rattling around’ in their empty home. They no longer want to clean, heat and pay taxes on square footage they don’t need.
3. Would You Like the Equity?
Now that Covid is passing, I’m talking to lots of folks who want to travel or start a new hobby. Would releasing the equity from your single family home make sense? In most areas of metro Edmonton, single family homes are now selling for MORE than our last peak of 2007. See this link to our Ambergate Market Reports. Could this be the time to get your money out?
4. Want More Freedom?
Home ownership, particularly single family home ownership has many privileges. However, it also comes with many responsibilities involving your time and money. I have helped countless clients transition away from single family home ownership and into a nice rental situation or perhaps condo ownership. After many years of decline condo values have stabilized but are still way below the heady days of 2007. In my opinion condos represent a wonderful opportunity to buy low and ride the market UP. If you would like to look around the condo market please click here: Condos for Downsizers.
Many of my clients welcome the reduced responsibility, lower living costs in many cases and more time to do the things they love.
About the author:
You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link - Stuart Neal, Broker, REALTOR® & Team Lead.
Our FIXED FEE home selling program gives clients proven results & affordability. To learn more call our Broker Owner & Team Lead Stuart Neal at: 780-760-2014 or visit our program page
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