Perhaps you were lucky enough to receive a sign call, a website inquiry, maybe another REALTOR® in your office passed you a lead?

Or perhaps you are fortunate to be on a team, where you receive a steady supply of inbound home buyer opportunities?

In all cases, you must be good at converting mere inquiries into committed client relationships. How good are you? Do you give up after the first couple of calls?

According to one study I read a couple of years back, most REALTORS® make less than 2 calls and assume the person that made the enquiry is a time waster.

Here’s what I have learned over the years.

Speed to lead is crucial. Conventional wisdom used to be, that a lead for MUST be followed up within 15 minutes of receipt and a minimum of 8 TIMES. Recently, AJ Hazzi, a broker in Kelowna, suggested that follow must occur within 5 minutes and be repeated over 30 times, in order to enjoy the highest probability of success.

I came across another article recently, by Jimmy Mackin of Curyator, an online advertising agency. His studies show that its on the 5th attempt that over 50% of ‘sales’ which in our case would mean someone is willing to work with you, actually occur.

Jimmy’s partner Chris Smith, author of a great read ‘The Conversion Code’ also suggests we should have a ‘black lab’ mentality. In other words, when reaching out to a prospective client, be eager, welcoming, warm and never take push back personally. Every attempt is one more to you, but it might feel that the first one to the person that made the inquiry, as the others simply did not get their attention, or they were not ready for you.

Jimmy goes onto suggest the following mantra:

Every lead

Every attempt

Every time

No excuses

No exceptions

Repeat that until it becomes a habit for you.

So, the next time you are presented with an opportunity to follow up on an inquiry, why not do this? Picture that lovable eager to please black Labrador and be like her.

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link - Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR® .

You can watch and hear Stuart share other ideas on his You Tube Channel: Stuart Neal Real Estate Career Mentor & Coach.

Want more information about becoming a team member or Associate REALTOR® with Ambergate? Call Stuart our broker owner at: 780-760-2014 ext. 3 or go to our Careers page - Vital Home Realty Careers.

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