I’ve noticed that many new REALTORS® simply miss the signals. They are showing a client homes. The client is ready, but they miss the signs that their client would really like to buy this home. The client is waiting for some direction and encouragement. It’s time to act.

Here are 5 signs to watch out for the next time you go out with a client:

1.  When their eyes are wide open 

When your client’s eyes are dilated they are receptive and interested. They like what they see. Compare that look in your mind with when a persons eyes are closed and not welcoming.

2. When the get “lovey dovey” with each other 

A couple who start holding hands and openly increase their level of affection for each other, may well be in purchase mode. You can test this with some soft closing questions. We cover this in another blog post. 

3. When they start assigning rooms to family members 

When your clients start ‘moving the kids into bedrooms’ this is a clear sign that they are assuming ownership of the home in their minds. 

4. When they start placing their furniture into certain rooms 

Again this is a sure sign they have ‘moved in’. 

5. When they sit down on the couch and relax 

During Covid 19 this kind of behaviour should perhaps not be encouraged. However, even if your clients suggest that they would really like to sit on the couch it’s a sign of buy in. 

Oh and one last thought. Be mindful of hidden cameras. They have become commonplace in recent years. Behave accordingly. 

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link - Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR® .

You can watch and hear Stuart share other ideas on his You Tube Channel: Stuart Neal Real Estate Career Mentor & Coach.

Want more information about becoming a team member or Associate REALTOR® with Ambergate? Call Stuart our broker owner at: 780-760-2014 ext. 3 or go to our Careers page - Vital Home Realty Careers.

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