You may be a brand-new agent or you may have been in the industry for a year or two. In either case your essential challenges are the same. How do you most effectively build your client base and keep costs LOW.

The most basic way to build a client base is to go out to friends and family. Call everyone you know, send them a letter and enclose your business card. For most agents this is not enough to build or sustain a practice. According to the REALTORS® Association 72% of new agents are GONE within 2 years.

So how can you prevent this happening to you?

First make sure you have access to the right tools. For example,”

  1.     A website designed to capture potential clients leads
  2.     An effective and easy to use CRM system (Client Relationships Manager)
  3.     An extensive and expensive social media marketing program
  4.     An extensive and expensive direct marketing program
  5.     A regular Open House program supported by social media
  6.     Ongoing training, coaching and mentoring
  7.     A team-based culture where agents collaborate rather than compete

For the most effective and organized agents this is common sense. They have already created or purchased these tools. The challenge for many especially those agents that work with traditional brokerages is that these tools MUST be purchased. And the costs for these tools are on TOP of regular brokerage expenses.

Respectfully, if this is your plan or if you are already in this situation you are running a very inefficient and overhead - heavy business. 

So why not cut costs AND still enjoy access to these tools?

Consider our brokerage. We offer all of these tools and the cost of access is included in your brokerage fees. You should also note that our fees are often LOWER than those traditional brokerages.

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link – Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR®

Want more information about careers with our team? Call Stuart our broker owner at: 780-760-2014 ext. 3 or go to our Careers page Vital Home Realty Careers.



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