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Many house and condo sellers in Edmonton start to give up at this time of year in the mistaken belief there is simply no market for their property. If you have been trying to sell a house or condo in the metro Edmonton area recently, this could be your moment. Why?

Less Competition

In the metro Edmonton market including Sherwood Park and St Albert, demand from buyers is stable. As more current home sellers retire from the market and decide to stay for the winter, your house or condo will stand out more. If you wait until Spring, the opposite is true. Your home will be competing with thousands of others.

Move In by Christmas Crowd

 Many buyers are getting nervous. They want to be ‘home’ by Christmas. If you can offer quick possession, many…

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I get it. Your existing home is too small, or you want to move somewhere else.

So you want a Realtor® to help you compile a list of dream homes and go out shopping for a new house, before even thinking about selling your old one. And when you find the right home, you will require that the seller signs a contract ‘Subject to The Sale of Existing Home’ Right? Wrong!

This is not the way to do it.

Unless you are searching for something very specific and unless you can own 2 houses simultaneously, you cannot move house this way. Here’s why:

1. The odds of you selling quickly and for full market value are not high. Only about 55% of homes listed on the Edmonton MLS® System sell in term. Why would a home seller adopt your problem, unless they…

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