A career in real estate can be a tremendously rewarding career if you truly understand what you are getting into and how the industry actually works.

Some of the typical benefits are:

  1.     You will always have work
  2.     The residential market is so large, it could be described as perpetual and downturn proof.
  3.     Life happens to real estate. People leave home, marry, have children, divorce, move to a new city, die and retire.
  4.     Repeat business opportunities. Most people move every 8 to 10 years.

What Do Many People Think the Job is About?

Many people we talk to want to get into real estate for 4 keys reasons:

  1.     They like looking at homes and think it could be so much fun to go shopping every day
  2.     They have an interest in design or architecture
  3.     They see it as quick and easy money
  4.     They are highly individualistic, and they want to be in charge of their own destiny

What the Job is Really About

  1.     Finding and identifying people who require your services
  2.     Developing solid relationships with people
  3.     Providing people with information, insight, expert advice and confidence to make decisions
  4.     Long hours. You might often be expected to work at times when most people are off work

The Benefits of Success

  1.    If you build your practice properly, your future gets more secure over time and finding clients becomes easier
  2.    An above average income
  3.    Satisfaction that you are making a positive impact on peoples lives

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link – Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR®

Want more information about careers with our team? Call Stuart our broker owner at: 780-760-2014 ext. 3 or go to our Careers page Vital Home Realty Careers

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