Inevitably we all move. For people that have lived in their home for many years this decision become even more daunting as the years roll by.
Here is a list of simple questions that can be asked.
Is there financial stress caused by living in your existing home?
Is looking after the home and the yard becoming more a chore than a joy?
Is the home in need of major outside or inside maintenance and updating?
Are you rattling around in a large home and using less and less space for actual living?
What about the stairs. Are they a bother?
Has the quality of your neighbourhood changed? Is it better or worse than when you moved in?
Does the location of your current home allow you to access the services you need?
Do you feel like a change?
Would you like to do more travelling?
Do you have dreams and goals that still itch?
Are you an empty nester?
Do you have someone living with you that you would rather move out?
Are you open to the idea of living in a more appropriate home?
If you have answered yes to most of these questions it could be time to give the idea of downsizing your serious consideration.
As inspiration for this article I referred to a wonderful book you may wish to purchase. It’s called The Best of the Rest – Downsizers for Seniors and Boomers (Senior Moves ISBN 978-0-9948631-2)
About the author:
Stuart Neal is an accredited Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES®). Many of his clients are downsizers. You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link – Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR®
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