Would you select a real estate brokerage you way many folks select a coffee shop?

Let’s pretend you were driving into a new town. You have been driving since early morning and you are ready for a good strong coffee. You glance to your right and notice Joe’s Organic Roastery. Sounds nice doesn’t it? Then you glance over to your left and see a Starbucks.

You don’t have much time and so you go with the familiar choice. You drive over to Starbucks and buy a coffee.

Now let’s pretend you decide to stay in town for another day and a local sees you holding a Starbucks cup. She asks why you went to Starbucks. She also tells you that you should really check out Joe’s Organic Roastery. She tells you that the team at Joes hand picks their coffee, they roast it in house and its priced below Starbucks product.

Now what do you do? Perhaps next time you will buy at Joe’s Organic Roastery and tell all your friends.

Or perhaps you don’t go with the ‘normal’ choice in the first place?

Perhaps like me you seek out better, lesser-known opportunities and go to Joe’s Organic Roastery on the first day you hit town.

About the author:

You can read more about the author of this blog by clicking this link - Stuart Neal Broker Owner & REALTOR® .

You can hear and Stuart tell you more on his You Tube Channel - Real Estate Career Mentor & Consultant.

Want more information about becoming a partner and creating a career with our team? Call Stuart our broker owner at: 780-760-2014 ext. 3 or go to our Careers page - Vital Home Realty Careers.

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